
Spell is an online streaming method to parse logs, which utilizes a longest common subsequence based approach. The key observation is that, if we view the output by a log printing statement (which is a log entry) as a sequence , in most log printing statements, the constant that represents a message type often takes a majority part of the sequence and the parameter values take only a small portion. If two log entries are produced by the same log printing statement stat , but only differ by having different parameter values, the LCS of the two sequences is very likely to be the constant in the code stat , implying a message type.

Initially, the LCSMap list is empty. When a new log entry $e_i$ arrives, it is firstly parsed into a token sequence $s_i$ using a set of delimiters. After that, we compare $s_i$ with the LCSseq’s from all LCSObjects in the current LCSMap, to see if $s_i$ “matches” one of the existing LCSseq’s (hence, line id $i$ is added to the lineIds of the corresponding LCSObject), or we need to create a new LCSObject for LCSMap.

Spell’s wordflow is as follows:


Read more information about Drain from the following paper: